Sunday we set up the Alaskan Malamute Assistance League (AMAL) booth to fund raise to help malamutes who need homes.

It didn't take long due to the generosity of many individuals for our space to overflow with gifts. Thank you for your generosity, each and every gift, large or small goes to support malamutes who need help. Whether you gave something to be sold at the booth, or purchased something, your help is very much appreciated.

I was lucky enough to spend the week with Lynne and Dan Anderson, who have to be some of the nicest folks a guy like me could spend time with. I had the pleasure to sit in the booth with Sharon from Polaris Alaskan Malamute Rescue of Colorado, Roberta of Alaskan Malamute Rescue of New Mexico, Carol of Golden Years Alaskan Malamute Rescue and Katy of Moonsong Malamute Rescue. Meeting these folks in person is kind of like meeting your favorite radio announcer, except I only know those folks through an email list serve.
There were also hundreds of malamutes. So many it makes the head spin at times. One of my favorite was Timberwolf who was part of the South Dakota malamute rescue over 3 years ago. This was a big rescue of nearly 20 something malamutes (if I remember correctly) who ended up in a shelter and needed help in a big way.

Timber won the regional and National Rally competition and earned his CGC.
For the past three years I flew down with Valley. At first I was told Valley would go into a crate for the event, but once they saw how Valley handled the affair, a crate hasn't been needed.

This is one of the rare moments when she was not flat on her side at the booth. Many folks couldn't imagine Valley could spend so much time laying still. Ha! At the Rescue Showcase reception, Valley got up on her paws and at least a dozen folk exclaimed "Valley got on her feet! Valley got on her feet!". Its entirely possible, that might have been the first time they had seen the phenomenon LOL.
The highlight of the week, besides visiting with Dan and Lynne, is the Rescue Showcase. Before hand, Sharon and Paul organized the "AMAL Annual Meeting" a tailgate party where they brought Beer! and food. It was a great way to meet the 16 malamutes, and their owners, who were going to be in the annual showcase.

I bet you can spot Valley in the picture :). All I needed to say to the owners was "What's your malamutes story", and I heard 16 great stories.
Here's the notorious Hoshi and the two wonderful folks she lets live with her.

Before long everybody lined up and Dan Anderson gave them instructions of what was going to happen.

With Katy's DSLR camera I took pictures of the Rescue Showcase, when I get those I'll post them here.
We were lucky enough to stay at a flophouse which graced us with rabbits on the lawn early in the morning and late at night. They provided lots of entertainment for Valley who loved to give chase. In the morning and after dinner we frequented the Sand Creek Greenway for long walks. We found gophers, deer, rabbits and geese. The ground hogs don't make the same sound as the marmots we have so they weren't so much a prey item as the deer and rabbits. Whoever trained the gophers to chirp in a low non-shrill voice, well Thank You! Every dog we met was on leash, now how about that!

Check those gopher holes out, you could lose a leg in there.
We left the Specialty early. Our malamutes need exercise and with two weekends without a good run, makes them antsy and difficult to live with. Saturday and Sunday, after the specialty, they ran good and fun.

Valley! For those folks who were excited about her getting up at the Rescue Showcase Reception, they'll love this :)

Thanks again for supporting Malamute Rescue. It was great meeting you and seeing you again. See you in Michigan next year!
Ah, Bob, what a great blog and what beautiful pictures! I remember Valley from previous rescue showcases - how many Nationals have you attended now?? Wonder how many Lynne & Dan have attended too? Valley just gets better and better, doesn't she? Sounds like the Rescue Showcase also gets better and better. 16 entries is a ton!
great post! as always, lovely to see malamutes in the great snowy outdoors!
P.s. I don't think I've ever formally introduced myself though my human has been following your blog for a while.
my name is georgia and I'm a dog (yes I am). i live in Sydney with my housemate mr thumper who's an old malamute. he's a rescue too. We live in a suburb and he's never seen snow which is very sad.
have a great day!
Hi Sandy we attended our 3rd National Specialty. Lynne Anderson called Valley the AMAL booth dog, so I guess we have some more on the horizon.
Well Georgia you need to get Thumper and talk to your hu-mom into taking you up the Snowy Mountains for a bit of a refreshing time. I know its 5 hours in the auto but hey snow is snow!
that would be lovely indeed! but dogs aren't allowed in a lot of places in australia including national parks. there are a couple of places close by the snowies that are dog friendly and they've checked those out hoping to go, but mr thumper is now too sick to travel so far. so he has to make do with beach holidays instead. it's sad but luckily, he likes sand a lot too :)
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