Monday, June 14, 2010

Teaching Shake and Catch with the Fosters

We had a great time teaching Shake and Catch with the foster dogs, well right up until Koda decided to end it LOL Considering these two are extremely food aggressive I am surprised that I even tried this. Watching it makes me chuckle, it was fun while it lasted.


Unknown said...

DANG! Having a few quarrels of my own to break up, my heart was in my throat..... and then it ended. Dang! A cliff-hanger!

Unknown said...

DANG! Having a few quarrels of my own to break up, my heart was in my throat..... and then it ended. Dang! A cliff-hanger!

funhog and fundogs said...

Lots of false bravado between those two. LOL And lots of noise. Best of friends.