Tuesday, September 28, 2010

First Snow

What a surprise, we were out hiking, the clouds dropped and we found ourselves in a snow storm. I can't complain about that.

Here are the first few flakes on Jago's head.

Fall colors first snow.

Lots of Moose starting to appear because of fall rut. One has to be more careful in the woods than with bears now. Moose Encounter of the 2nd Kind.

Moose Malamute Stare Down.

Moose Encounter of the First Kind. I had to run like crazy to get away from this guy. He just appeared out of the hemlock, then ran along side us as I trotted down the trail. There is no zoom on this picture.

Great day to be out hiking and enjoying the gift of our first snowfall.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

2011 Calendar

After weeding the best 250 pictures out of thousands of photos I took last year, I finally picked 13 to go in this year's Fundog Calendar. It took 3 or 4 weeks of sitting at the computer to look through the years photos. Besides the great memories I have one sore rump. Now I have to figure out some one liners for each photo and we are ready to print.

If you'd like a calendar, email me. All the profits go to AMAL or the Alaskan Malamute Assistance League. AMAL is the U.S. national rescue organization for Malamutes and your donation funds veterinary care, emergency boarding and some transportation for malamutes who end up in shelters or the short end of the stick.

(click the picture to enlarge)

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Last Weekend of Summer

We spent the last weekend of summer 2010 in neighboring Chugach State Park. The forecasted high winds appeared as we were about a mile from our destination for the first night. We were scoured by 40 mph winds and intense rain. While attempting to set up the tent we were lucky not to have it blown away, because several times it was squashed flat in the wind gusts. Nicki, myself, Rocket and Valley stayed in the tent. Jago decided she didn't want a part of it. Talk about tough as nails! This is the same dog crying murder because she was "stranded" on a rock in our last blog post LOL. Everytime the tent was blown flat Valley gave me this "Help Me" look. I petted and held her, letting her endure the storm sleeping between Nicki and myself.

We woke up in a cloudy drizzle with no wind. I had forgotten the cook kit so we couldn't heat up any water, meaning no breakfast, coffee or tea. That was enough for Nicki, so all of headed back to the trailhead and she stayed home. I picked up the cook kit and returned with Rocket to resume camping.

The second night we were afforded a beautiful sunset.

The dawn's light showed early fall colors down valley from our campsite, with the promise for some sun for the day.

The calm shown in the reflection of the lake we camped next to.

Before tackling the return trip for the 3rd day in a row we tried a day hike up to another pass.

Where he decided to go for a swim.

Then made a loop around the granite to dry off in the sun.

Returning to camp to pickup the backpack and start home, we encountered yet another group of Dall Sheep.

(Can you spot them on the knoll to the right of Rocket's head?

Tired boy, needs a nap at the rest break on the walk home.

and one more final shot before we drop down to the trailhead.

The weather doesn't always cooperate for our outdoor adventures, but this weekend we snuck in enough sun to dry off the camera and keep up the good spirits. Bring on the fall colors and some snow!

(you can always click on any picture to enlarge it)