Saturday, November 25, 2006

Clear and Cold

More Clear and cold conditions making some fantastic surface hoar. Fields of spikey and flakey surface hoar producing some fantastic touring conditions underfoot.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sunday, November 05, 2006

What makes a dog go faster?

...The smell and sight of moose. Out for a skijor on a sunny and cold day but not many moose, not like yesterday where we had to peel them out of the trail to get by.

Babe pulling hard...

Nicki skijoring with Babe.

Ganik and Valley pulling me!

That's right, that's Ganik pulling. He seemed fine on an even or groomed snow filled trail while out walking, made us think of trying him skijoring again. Now he seems fine afterwards. Having him around gives Valley so much more confidence.